Stanzas, 20x16", Acrylic on stretched canvas

From The Century Dictionary:

noun Pl. stanze (-ze). In architecture, an apartment or division in a building; a room or chamber: as, the stanze of Raphael in the Vatican.
noun In versification, a series of lines arranged in a fixed order of sequence as regards their length, metrical form, or rimes, and constituting a typical group, or one of a number of similar groups, composing a poem or part of a poem.

The stanza: a division or room in a structure; a division, a component in a poem or story. Each one containing a unique part of a whole, without which the whole would not be whole. This work, called Stanzas, captures, contains, and organizes multiple parts that make up a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts.

Thanks to Leslie Grollman from the The Art of Creating Abstract Art Facebook group for the lovely naming suggestion, I was struggling with this and it perfectly captured the intention of the piece.

Stanzas, The stanza: a division or room in a structure; a division, a component in a poem or story.. This piece may be available, or available as a print. Contact me to inquire.