Sometimes it's a Hard Road
Hard Road, acrylic on hardboard, 16x25"

Sometimes our lives are just overwhelming. Sitting down at an easel with no agenda but to give yourself permission to not be successful or good, to just move paint around until it works in some way.

This felt like a bad painting right up until I was studying a photo of it. Something clicks in it that got there more by subconscious than conscious intention. As is sometimes the case, there is another painting in a very different style lurking under this one... something in that piece wasn't working, but maybe it's in the DNA of this piece.

This piece has been described as "scary" and "predatory"... life can be like that.

Sometimes it's a Hard Road, Hard Road, acrylic on hardboard, 16x25". This piece may be available, or available as a print. Contact me to inquire.