Fire Above, Fog Below
Fire Above, Fog Below, Acrylic on untreated hardboard panel

While at my last photo shoot with Davin, we got to talking about my style and various painting surfaces... he recommended trying out some wood panels for a different look/experience.

So being the DIYer that I am I grabbed a leftover piece of hardboard from the shop, gave it a light sand, and tried it out. (Note that the proper way of doing this is applying several coats of acrylic gesso and sanding between coats to prepare the surface, but I was too lazy for that for a quick attempt).

Honestly I kinda loved it. Fire Above, Fog Below is a quick piece inspired a bit by a section of another piece that I liked (and then painted over) and inspired somewhat by life and stuff going on (as happens).

Detail from work on Foundations #1, something about this inspired Fire Above, Fog Below
Fire Above, Fog Below, Acrylic on untreated hardboard panel, 12x17" (20x43cm). This piece may be available, or available as a print. Contact me to inquire.